
1. Select a t-shirts which has a message/brand you identify with, or that has super sentimental attachment. Mine, a gift from my bro is Brit-brand Animal and says 'Brave the Wave' in eccentric nautical-ease.

2. A large dinner plate would be the smallest you'd want to use as a template due to plumping. I cut a paper template at 30cm to allow for plumping, design placement, and granny-style cuteness proportions. Pin paper template through both layers of tee and cut carefully around. If your less steady with your snips then go for a 35-40cm diameter (across measurement) and go for it. Cut two pieces the same size in any other fabric- doesn't need to be stretchy, to back the t-shirt and prevent over stretching etc. I used a cotton curtain lining fabric- use anything old again as it won't show.
3. Concentrate here... pin the t-shirt pieces facing each other. Then, lay one lining piece on this stack, and the other facing that. (back, front, plain, plain). 

4. Pin and sew, leaving a 15-20cm opening. I used a stitch that simulates over-locking (sew and cut machines), it looks like triangles within parallel lines and allows stretch and saves time. If you don't have this on your machine, do straight stitch 1cm from edge and zig-zag around that after close to the cut-edge. Hand-sewing I would to a close back stitch for security, then a speedy blanket stitch against fraying (blanket-stitch alone wouldn't work as when turned-through it gapes and looks holey)
5. Grip the two t-shirt pieces and turn-out the right way, concealing the lining inside. Insert (simple word for a wriggly fiddly moment here) cushion pad*. 

6. Roughly blanket stitch or any hand sewing stitch you know to close the lining fabric gap first. Then, turning the raw edge inward as you go, sew the tee gap shut. Close-stitches hooking-into the folded tab would be less visible, but just do your best here as the trim with hide a lot. 
7. Look at your work, LOVELY, no really, nice job. 
8.CROCHET TRIM. Cast-on 120 stitches approx, crochet doubles then begin large pop-corn stitch. This is a) increase by 3; b) wrap wool three times around hook, pick up stitch and wrap wool around hook to stitch- gaining 5 onto hook. Knit 2 from hook, then 2 more, then the last two. Repeating this 4 times, always returning to the same hole will increase the stitched left on the hook to total five; c)Use one stitch to take all five off the hook and 'anchor' this by a single crochet stitch in two consecutive loops; d) Repeat this for the duration; e) knit doubles for a row; f) knit trebles and complete.
9. Hand tack to full edge, stretching or bunching as necessary to making this fit your cushion.

* You can make a round pad from a square on by making a hole in the thin microfibre, removing the stuffing and sewing through the two layers (on the visible sides is fine), and then re-stuffing through a small hole, closing that with the machine again on the outside- it will never show.

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